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Scalability & Simplicity

The Buccini/Pollin Group Inc. moves from on-prem to the cloud with IONOS

Upgrading to IONOS Cloud provided BPG with an easy-to-use infrastructure for their Chase Fieldhouse property, while the IaaS scalability will allow for onboarding more of their property portfolio into a centralized, seamless management environment.

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“IONOS Data Center Designer gives me the flexibility to make adjustments to my environment if I don’t like how it’s working. It’s brought a simplicity to the process that I simply can’t get on-premise. Plus, hyperscalers may charge you a support fee just to pick up the phone… free, personalized service from IONOS has made the cloud journey a success story for our company.”

Jeff Reed, VP of Information Technology, The Buccini/Pollin Group Inc.