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Success Story – IaaS

Digitizing lifeguards

How SEWOBE connects 1.6 million German Life Saving Association (DLRG) members in the IONOS Compute Engine with full data privacy compliance

Often this herculean task involves reconciling the decentralized, heterogeneous structures frequently encountered in associations. But how do cloud and IT service providers manage to make the digital infrastructure secure and user-friendly across generations? The German Life Saving Association (DLRG) faced this challenge a few years ago. The Augsburg-based IT company SEWOBE GmbH was able to help. It developed a software solution for centralized, simple, and efficient member management that is hosted securely and with full data privacy compliance in the cloud of the German IaaS provider IONOS Cloud.

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paper of ionos-enterprise-cloud-digitalization of Lifeguards

“We started out with three or four servers upon which we built a proprietary environment with file servers, network servers and firewalls. It all worked without a hitch, delivered great performance and was easy to configure and manage.”

Thomas Weishaupt, CTO of SEWOBE GmbH

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